Our SEAM Process

Customize Your Seam Approach with Strategy, Execution, Alignment, and Momentum.

Create a customized path from where you are today to where you want to go in the future. During your personalized work session, Momentum Multipliers partners with you to align everyone with your current strategies, create plans with executable action items, or develop a new direction to reach your goals.


Identify your strategy to move everyone in the same direction


Create your plan with priorities for execution of your goals


Build the right team with alignment to your strategy and goals


Multiply momentum with specific action to achieve the results that you want

“Melissa helped us understand what was happening with our clients and the market. Her guidance led us to make some great decisions and better focus our efforts. She enabled us to direct our investments better and helped us grow over 300% in a single year. We recommend her advice and guidance to anyone looking to hone their marketing efforts and build a scalable and repeatable process around a historically subjective area.”

Aaron R. Warner, CEO, ProCircular

“Melissa is amazing to work with, providing coaching from an outside perspective that develops you as a leader and helps you deliver value to the clients and audiences that you are communicating with. She has a unique business view and insight that she uses to connect the dots while aligning your goals and strategies to a future roadmap.”

Peter O’Connor, Director of IT, Inova Health Systems

“I participated in the leadership development program that Melissa directed. I came into it from a unique perspective in that my position is very technical and does not have any management responsibilities. Through the program, I realized leadership is more than just a job description; I learned I can help provide direction and support to my peers, clients, and even the decision-makers leading the organization. The program gave me a new experience of looking inward at my strengths and where I had the opportunity to improve to have more of positive impact.”

Troy McDermott, Systems Engineer, Fortinet