Gain Your Momentum

Rise to Your Potential: The Momentum Multipliers Launch

We Fall
We Break
We Fail
We Rise
We Heal
We Overcome

This saying right here perfectly summarizes the journey of starting the business and launching this website. Every time we were getting close to completion a new obstacle would present itself, a catastrophic natural disaster, house rebuilding, surgeries, car accidents, tumors (blessed no cancer), loss of loved ones, trademarking, and more.

The struggle was real. There were instances of doing things with unsure outcomes, times when people were against our success, and moments when we had to believe in a future that was unclear. Yet, also during this time a new level of resilience and strength developed, unexpected supporters were found, and there was a greater resolve to follow a driving sense of purpose.

Deep down I knew when the timing was right, the site would launch, the obstacles would be overcome, and there would be more time to spend making an impact by helping others with their goals and dreams. This site shows some of the types of programs, resources, and ways that Momentum Multipliers help individuals and organizations thrive and multiply their momentum.

Life, work, families, friends, and enemies (or even frenemies) will give you challenges. Just keep going, one step at a time, when the timing is right, you will get to where you are supposed to go.

Wishing you many blessings!




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